Lactose-free milk-based products are needed by almost half of the citizens of Russian Federation: according to studies done by Viola, approximately 46% of Russian citizens may have intolerance of «milk sugar».
During production of yogurts company utilizes lactase ferment, thanks to which lactose content is less than 0.01%. All the while yogurts remain as tasty, creamy and healthy as regular Viola yogurts. All yogurts aside from the neutral sugar-less one have double-flavor – «Honey melon and chia seeds», «Strawberry-maracuya», «Raspberry-black currant».

The task:
We were tasked with designing packaging for the new yogurt brand while following several guidelines:
● Yogurts must stand out on the main dairy, not the specialty shelf.
● A customer must instantly see, that these are not ordinary yogurts, that they are different from the most dairy products and are suitable for all customers: mass-audience andthose who care about lactose-free products.
Design of the new lactose-free line of products must differ from the current range of the Viola brand so as not to be confusing.

What did we do
1. We developed a new laconic and memorable logo Lactose Free. A drop in the “F” letter changes color depending on the yogurt’s flavor.
2. We created a minimalistic design of the packaging, that adheres to the principles of a “clean label” of Lactose Free yogurts – they have a simple and easy to understand design: milk, yeast, fruit and berry filler, do not contain additives with E-codes and other ingredients with complex names.
3. We placed only two main phrases on the packages: taste and, much bigger, “lactose-free”, to highlight the most important information.
4. We implemented fruit image in the food-zone and made it bright and juicy to attract the audience that loves rich tastes.
5. Double-taste is demonstrated differently: on the front side of the packaging for drinking yogurts and on the sealing lid of regular ones tastes have been combined into a single illustration, all the while on the side of regular yogurts fruits are depicted separately. Thus they seem bigger and are more visible from afar.
6. We chose simple type and dark, rich color palette to emphasise that this brand belongs to the segments above average and premium. Dark-blue color also ties the brand to its master brand Viola.
7. Design of all the yogurts has the same colors to create a colored spot on the shelf and to stand out from both competitors and the main Viola range.

New Free yogurts hit the shops in March 2023. According to our client, the product is popular am